About the Writer

The writer. Meep.

The Simple Stuff

Name:Alexis R.Bloschichak
Status:Only Child
Profession:Lifeguard What she does:Write
Where she resides in:PA
When she was brought into this world:12-05-86
Things she enjoys: Writing, Drawing (not as good as steph tho), Singing, Listen to Music, Read a lot, hang around with Jedd (muhahahaha =P), Saving your life
Sanity:Who? What's this you speak of?

Things that deal with me:

Writing since:Good Question
Writing Expertise: Fan Fiction, Si-Fi, anything that enters my head..
Favorite Books: Sci-Fi, Mystery, things to that nature
Favorite Authors:Orson Scott Card, J.K. Rowling, Gregory Maguire, Stephen King, and a man who needs no introduction..Shakespeare
Favorite Writing Period:Probably Renissance or Romantic

Things you probably didn't need to know

Band of the moment:Always Chicago but you can toss a little NFG and Something Corporate in there too
Writer of the Moment:Good old Mr. Shakespeare
Most Wanted:To learn how to shoot the bow & arrow like my boyfriend can
Obsession: wait...do you mean besides my boyfriend?

Closing comments/Contact

Comments:Well read the comic..enjoy it and if you don't then don't tell your friends that

E-mail:lilmisslexx AT hotmail.com


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